MMBSY FW20 Kick-Off Days


Traditionally we would host our press days on the 29th & 30th of April, but due to the current Covid-19 situation we are not able to physically welcome you all. 

Not to worry! Exceptional circumstances ask for creative solutions. That is why we are proud to present our MMBSY Kick-Off Days in which over a longer period of time we will make use of: live broadcasting, a digital interactive magazine and one-on-one virtual meetings to connect and inform you on all our FW20 novelties.


Almost the entire world is affected by the Covid-19 virus. Everyone is advised to stay at home as much as possible. This current situation creates a moment for people to reflect and slow down. As a PR and communications agency we feel it is our duty to stay ahead of all trends and innovations. Therefore we will be focusing on the latest social trend: Conscious Deceleration. A countermovement on our current fast-paced life mentality. 

Want to learn more? Make sure to keep an eye on your mailbox!

Dorothée Marcus Showroom & PR Manager, MMBSY
About MMBSY Pressroom

Looking to connect with your target group? Searching for the right media to communicate your message? MMBSY puts lifestyle brands on the map. As a full service PR agency, we help you bring this quest to a successful conclusion.


Online and offline. We target journalists, stylists, TV makers, successful bloggers and opinion leaders.
We leave no stone unturned in proactively drawing attention to your brand.


Lifestyle in the broadest sense: fashion, interior design, garden, multimedia and food.

MMBSY Pressroom
Regine Beerplein 1/C105
B-2018 Antwerpen